Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Healthcare for all?

I know we have to do something to reform healthcare. The public option or Govt. controlled healthcare sounds like a big mistake. We need less govt. intrusion in our lives, not more. All you have to do is look at everthing else govt. is involved in ,ie., GM, bank bailouts, cash for clunkers that has done nothing to help the economy. The proposed healthcare bill is not even available for the public to see. What are they hiding? The bill won't even take effect till 2013, after the 2012 elections. This timeline would potentially help get Obama reelected. The majority of the population are perfectly happy with the healthcare they have now. One way to cut costs and improve care would be to give people access to more private health insurers that are out of state, and introduce tort reform to limit lawsuits against doctors and hospitals. Just look at the other countries that have govt. healthcare, and you will see that they have all failed.

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